Panin Bank call centre services : Diagram

Panin call center engagement for safer transactions

Panin Bank is one of the banks that always prioritizes the security of its customers’ transactions and provides a panin call center.   Panin’s call center is ready to serve you quickly and promptly at any time.

The higher the mobility of your transactions, the higher the  risk that account security will be compromised. It’s no secret if now many criminals can pull out the balance  of  your  account when the safety of witnesses is not guaranteed.

The more sophisticated the technology, the more  sophisticated  the crime will be in this world. Many people unknowingly have their account balances stolen by cybercriminals. Of course, no one wants to experience this. However, for Panin customers, the security of their transactions is guaranteed.

Even if something happens to its customers that is not welcome, with Panin’s call center services,  everything will be handled as best as possible. For those  of you who are not familiar with the call center services of this bank, we will introduce them to you.

Panin Bank call centre services

Like call centers owned by other banks, the Panin Bank call center serves all customer needs. Starting with complaint services when the system has problems, complaints about the loss of ATMs or credit cards, requests to close bank or ATM accounts, etc.

You can contact the bank’s call center at 500678 (PSTN), 021-2515555 (IDD) or 60678 (mobile phone). All three numbers can be edited by contacting them using landlines or mobile phones.

Tips to avoid fraud through ATMs

So far, it is undeniable that there are very many cases of fraud involving ATM users. Many of these scams occur because customers are very gullible with the lure of cash offered by scammers.

But first of all, the customer is asked to first transfer a certain amount of money. Then the impostor runs away without a trace. There are many other fraud methods you  need to know. For those of you who don’t want to fall into the trap, Panin Bank has tips on how to avoid it.

  1. Ignore SMS lotteries

The most common method of fraud in a company starts with a short message containing a cash raffle. After that, you will be asked to send a certain amount of money to the sender of the SMS.

If you receive such an SMS, then it is better to simply ignore it. Because it is certain that this is a scam, or you can also contact the Panin call center.

  1. Bankomat požitý

The case of swallowing an ATM was very common, but it turns out that the case was actually used by some people to trigger their bad intentions. When you experience   such an incident, you should be aware when someone offers help in contacting the Panin call center through their mobile phone.

It is  better  for you to contact the call center through your own mobile phone and ask to lock the card and provide information about the location of the ATM.

  1. Suspicious objects on ATMs

Before making a transaction at an ATM, you must first find out if there are any strange objects around the machine. Especially in the card reader section. Contact the call center when you find strange objects around the ATM.

This is because many people deliberately save card-blocking devices.   Thus, the balance  of your ATM will automatically move to the balance of the criminal.

Mobile banking transaction tips

The use of mobile banking is now widespread and is increasing every day. This is because the convenience gained from m-banking is very useful in all types of transactions. Like ATMs, mobile banking is not spared from security threats.

However, Panin Bank has tips for safe transactions using m-banking, namely:

  1. Download the M-Banking application from the official sources of Panin Bank

You can download through the game store or appstore, but please note that the development company must be from Panin Bank. If it does not come from Panin Bank, you are not trying to use it. Because scams are very risky.

However, if  you have already downloaded it, you can contact the panin call center and block  your  account as  soon as possible.

  1. Using a secure internet network

To open an m-banking application, it is highly recommended to use a private Internet network and have a strong security system. Because if you don’t, your  account will be very vulnerable to being attacked by irresponsible people.   Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to use public wi-fi.

  1. Change your PIN regularly

To strengthen the security of your m-banking account, it is highly recommended to change the PIN code regularly. Because it can happen that someone guessed the PIN and did something harmful.

  1. Contacting the call center in case of loss of phone

Since your  m-banking account has a phone call, you need to contact the call center and block the m-banking account.

Tips to be safe from pishing

The crime of pishing is a terrible scourge for account holders. The reason for this is that the offender takes all our personal data. From ID to PIN code to get your account balance.

Pishing can be done by the offender by creating a website that is very similar to the original website of the target bank. Sometimes the appearance of such a site is indistinguishable at first glance. So many people are deceived. Here are tips  on how to prevent you from experiencing pishing.

  1. Always enter the address of the bank’s registered office. Although it has the same appearance, when viewed from the address of the site, it will definitely be different. In the case of Panin Bank customers, make sure that the site you are entering is
  2. Don’t give anyone information about your ID and PIN. Both of these things are completely yours and confidential.
  3. If you experience Pishing, contact Panin’s call center immediately and ask them to block or charge the charge.
  4. Do not click on links that contain lotteries and other forms of fraud.

Tips for making transactions securely through internet banking

In addition to ATMs and mobile banking, Internet banking, which has many users, is also very popular. This type of transaction also has threats like other types of transactions. Of course, everything can be avoided by carrying out the following transaction tips.

  1. Access to panin’s official website for transactions is the most important security key.
  2. When accessing the site, make sure that your browser performs SSL encryption, which is indicated by the appearance of a padlock in the top bar. If there is no picture of a padlock, you should immediately log out, as it is very vulnerable to hacking your bank account.
  3. Before logging in, you really need to find out if the page you are entering is correct and open the cloned page.
  4. Using a firewall as a cyber security against hackers or cybercrime.
  5. Never show or say your ID and PIN to anyone else, not even your closest person.
  6. Install an antivirus to exclude the possibility of hacking or damaging the system due to a virus. Once you are exposed to the virus, contact Panin’s call center.

The security of all types of transactions is certainly very important, and there must be a guarantee from the bank. Therefore, Panin Bank is always available through Panin’s call center service  to  help you.

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